Borrowed from http://www.screenhead.com/reviews/legendary-comedian-george-carlin-dies/

Carlinism Outline 

     This website will chronicle the life and views of comedian George Carlin. It will focus primarily on some of his more religiously controversial stand-up routines as well as his appearance in the incredibly controversial movie Dogma.

     The first focus will be a short biography. It will explore Carlin’s life from his Irish Catholic upbringing to his beginnings in stand-up comedy; his appearance in the first ever episode of
Saturday Night Live to his drug and alcohol addiction that led to his eventual heart attack; his drug addiction recovery, his impressive and lengthy career and his death on June 23, 2008.

     Next, the site will look at one of Carlin’s stand-up routines. The Ten Commandments took a pretty bad hit at the hands of Carlin, who managed to cut them from ten to two without an ounce of mercy. Furthermore, it will look at the commandments themselves and how they apply today.

     In addition to that, the site will be focusing on another of Carlin’s most famous routines during which he claims that God’s
résumé is tarnished and nothing to be proud of. Because of this he no longer worships God; he declares himself a Sun Worshipper. The site will also touch on Sun Worship as a religion as well as its roots and merits today and Carlin’s true feelings on religion and religious institutions.

     Finally, no George Carlin project would be complete without a short look into the movie
Dogma in which he appeared as Cardinal Glick; the character who spearheads the “Catholicism WOW” campaign. This movie took a bit of flack from the Roman Catholic Church and much of the rest of the world.

     Overall, George Carlin had an enormous impact on the world throughout his life. His outspoken ways and his sometimes incredibly harsh views have entertained millions of people for decades. Carlin may be gone but his ideas will live on for years to come.